Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time & Literature: The one and the same

Yesterday, it was mentioned several time that time is circular and I just wanted to comment on that briefly (well I hope that this turns out to be relatively brief). I think that time has to be circular. Last semester, I was in Sexson's Bible as Lit class and we talked about the Bible as being circular in the format of its stories and we have talked about circularity within Shakespeare. I am of the firm opinion that literature and life are imitations of each other, though I am not sure which one started the cycle. But I digress on that point. What I am trying to think about here is that because books, dramas, and anything that has literary value has cyclical patterns within it and how that relates to time. Shakespeare often tried to tackle the idea of time but I am not sure that anyone truly can as we cannot understand it fully within our minds let alone try and explain it to anyone else. So I am not going to try and explain myself as I think that I will confuse myself and anyone who has had the patience to read my ramblings thus far. I will just end with my opinion that time is circular because literature is circular and they are one and the same just one is written on paper and the other is written in the cosmos. Neither is ever original but just a replica of something that came before it. We know that this happens in literature; we just have a hard time understanding, proving, or even envisioning that our own life is a replica of some one's life that came before us.

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