Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I just want to say that if I spelled your name wrong or didn't get the gist of your presentation right, I'm sorry. But I thought that all the presentations were amazing and I am so glad that I got to experience and feel the way that all of you feel about Shakespeare and his effect on our lives even if I was only able to channel your thoughts while you were presenting. If I totally messed up and you would like me to edit under what I said about your presentation, please let me know and I definitely will. I will also be adding to this after class on Thursday and hopefully adding more links to people's papers as they post them. Have a great dead week/finals week!! Good luck on everything.
  1. Titus & Adronis
    1. 1st tragedy: revenge play
    2. Act 4 Scene 1 lines 1128-1191
    3. Aaron=villian
    4. Rapists: Chiron/Demetrius
    5. Alive @ end: Lucius & Makus & Boy
    6. based on Ovid's Metamorphosis
    7. very gruesome
    8. Best film version is by Julie Taymor
      1. don't watch if you are squeamish
  2. Much Ado About Nothing
    1. takes place in Italy
    2. Comic vs. tragic
      1. happen simultaneously
      2. indistinguishable: don't know whether to laugh or cry
      3. McEacher quotes Frye
        1. 3/4 tragedy last part comedy
        2. doesn't have a problem until Don Juan who is described as being a Bastard by Nature
      4. 3 Parts: Hammock of Time
        1. 1st part: afternoon/evening
        2. 2nd part: takes place in a week
        3. 3rd part: 24 hours
        4. Most action in 1st and 3rd part
      5. 70% prose
      6. Lies/Deceit
        1. page 381 songs about "The Song"
  3. Othello
    1. Iago: Satan figure- Paradise Lost- Bloom
    2. very black and white/ perfect and imperfect
    3. put on as a western
    4. Taylor = Bard/Balladeer
  4. King Henry IV Part I
    1. I will post the play that we wrote if anyone would like to be able to just read it that way
  5. Measure for Measure
    1. movie
    2. title comes from the Sermon on the Mount
    3. Pro Christianity
    4. Frye
      1. disguised rules, corrupt judge, bed trick
  6. Coriolanus
    1. coriolanus is a killing maching very disliked character
    2. last tragedy
    3. addresses democracy
    4. put on as a comedy instead of as a tragedy
  1. Roberto: focused on Caliban, the Shadow from Yungian theory, Smedicoff. said that all of us have the Shadow within and that Shakespeare brought the shadow into literature
  2. Jackie: love; infatuation vs. Jealousy; Romeo & Juliet shows infatuation while Othello shows Jealousy
  3. Kenzie: focused on Venus & Adonis and how Shakespeare and Ovid differ. also discussed role reversal of the male/female
  4. Ashley: Cordlia represents all Shakespearean femeninity (Sexson said we should all read her paper)
  5. Nick: addressed the idea of identity and how it is broken down in Shakespeare. Recited a "Rant" that he had prepared. we all perform our identity.
  6. Rio: Ovid/Shakespeare; synodonis; character analysis
  7. Jamie: myth-Shakespeare; rapped (which was awesome!) focused partly on As You Like It
  8. Tristan: rapped; focused on Caliban's Speech then incorporated parts of other plays. Really very good!!!
  9. Anne: focused on the importance of sexual references and their purposes; also touched on the role of the woman
  10. Taylor: addressed how the 7 sins are present in Shakespeare and Ovid and how they vary in each author's work
  11. Amanda:  Forbidden love is actually Skaespeare's Consuming Myth; evident in Romeo & Juliet and a Midsummer's Night Dream
  12. Fletcher: Bloom; mirror are we all crazy? literature parodies Sreal life love=drug- talked about influences from Budha & Samuel Beckett
  13. Lisetter: Anthony & Cleo vs. Romeo & Juliet; same story just 40 year difference; A&C are just the adult version of R&J. went from being sheltered teens to dramatic adults
  14. Morgan: Ted Hughes: Consuming Myth Rape of Lucrisis- chastity and how it is mythological
  15. Matt: Frye; focused on Nature, fool, and nothing; compared Othello, Antony, and King Lear
  16. Cameron: Waking Life; focused on "To be or not to be"; Hart of Parllness; process of understanding; Hamlet; more complex than life or death
  17. Lisa: Negative capability: veil of soul making Keats; Veil = farewell or false; (Sexson insertion: check out The Painted Veil (film) based on a book by Maughn which is based on a poem by Shelley)
    1. It wasn't posted yet but I really recommend reading her paper as it sounded fabulous
  18. Alex: Divine visitation; absence of this make dramas tragic, Venus and Adonis; Adonis' rejection of Venus causes his tragic fate
  19. Melissa: Nature in King Lear: levels of nature; Frye influenced; stars purer than "this world"
  20. Korin: disguises and the roles they play especially in MSND & AYLI; Ganymede; disguises provide enlightenment
  21. Nathan: Yon Cots & Presence of Shakepeare; looked at the Tempest theoretically; New Historicism, Presentism, William Shakespeare bitter; history has power;
  22. Becky: Poem; Cleo & WS one and the same
  23. Jon: Hamlet: self experience of mythology; prodigal son story
  24. James: Prospero; no myth is original only Shakespeare style is original
  25. Brian: all plays are related; Hamlet & King Henry IV Part 1; same plot basically; focused on "to be or not to be" & Caliban's speeches/asides; Bloom- W.S. center of Cannon
  26. Rachel: Shakespeare=myth; revamps & makes his own; Coleridge Primary & Secondary Imagination, fancy; In the Tempest Prospero =William Shakespeare
  27. Lauren S.: picture on blog; idea struck from Caliban=Posiden; myths related; Andronica/Perseus myth; Satus=Caliban; Tempest evolved myth of Andronica & Perseus; roles flip flopped; ppl forgot mythic identity/ parents & originals
  28. Shelby: Bloom's invention of humans; aesthetic dignity; Keats' negative capability; beauty vs sublime; format of romantics; Edmund Burke negative pain; reach the sublime through the removal of pain; Pericles
  29. Spencer: Cymbeline; final act & final scene focused on; hats; characters miss the entire point not just the myths; finally get the point after switching hats
  30. Joe: Nothing; imagination over reality=power; realm of actual and realm of possibilities; basic myth; all participate because we all have imagination; live in both realms
  31. Lauren T: language; immortalize/romantic sonnets; Othello not beautiful wording; Iago ultimate Tarquinn; pen didn't outweigh the sword; Richard White
  32. Jenny: Sang Band Perry If I Die Young;  Pearl and its importance
  33. Rilee: Iago; Promethesus; Hesien; Bloom; Amelia-Pandora; fire put out
  34. Craig: screen play act 4 of Cymbeline; 4 scenes imagery is great; Silence is where a lot of the important things happen because can be changed without compromising the integrity of WS work
Sexson's Summary
  • Check out Amanda's blog about opinions on individual projects
  • Check out Shelby's blog about opinions on group projects
  • search for lost time
  • The Ideas of Order Wallace Stevens
  • The Primitive like an Orb Wallace Stevens
  • "Life is not a problem to be solved but mystery to be experienced"

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