Sunday, April 10, 2011

EXAM 2: Study Guide

  1. What obsessive question does Prospero ask Ariel many times?
    1. What time is it?
  2. How many times does Prospero say "Now"?
    1. 79 times
  3. What game are Miranda & Ferdinand playing when Prospero pulls back the curtain?
    1. Chess
  4. What chore do both Ferdinand and Caliban have to do?
    1. Haul wood
  5. Where does Prospero get his power from?
    1. His Books
  6. What are the three parts of having a sacramental sense of reality?
    1. doing, seeing, & speaking
  7. What type of character is not associated with Prospero?
    1. A Hobbit
  8. What is Caliban's moms name associated with?
    1. Sow/Boar
  9. What is curious about Antony & Cleopatra?
    1. They are never on the stage together alone
  10. What is WS consuming myth in his last four plays?
    1. Persephone & Demeter (Mother & Daughter) myth
  11. Why is the relationship between the handkerchief  with the cow slip on it and the Ariel's bed important?
    1. It shows that everything is an echo
  12. Who was the most important female magician?
    1. Paulina from the Winter's Tale
  13. What does Paulina do to awaken Hermione?
    1. Plays music
  14. Where does MSU's motto come from?
    1. Gerrard Manly Hopkins  No Worst There Is None
  15. What killed Cleopatra?
    1. An Asp
  16. What/Whom always shows up in romances?
    1. Pirates
  17. What word is most used in The Winter's Tale?
    1. Issue
  18. When Antony references Shirt of Nesseus, who is he meaning?
    1. Hercules & Shirt of Flame
  19. Why were Sebastian and Alonzo not worried about drowning?
    1. Because Gonzalo know that the ship captain had the hanging mark on him and not the drowning mark
  20. What is the most famous stage direction?
    1. Exit pursued by bear (The Winter's Tale)
  21. What did Imogen change her name to?
    1. Fidel
  22. Who did the little boy mean when he mentioned the person who hangs around the churchyard?
    1. Leontes
  23. What three words does Frye say is the most important 3 words from King Lear?
    1. nature, fool, & nothing
  24. Who offends Lear most with her/his answer?
    1. Cordelia
  25. Lady Gaga reminds of what unconscious collective?
    1. vat of cottage cheese
  26. "If thou will weep my fortune, _____  ______  ______."
    1. take mine eyes
  27. What is the most protracted scene of recognition play?
    1. Pericles (father & daughter reunion)
  28. "What seest thou else in the dark backward and abysm of time"
  29. What play has a Scooby-Doo ending where all villains are revealed?
    1. Cymbeline
  30. What happens o Gwedarias just before his identity is revealed?
    1. He is exiled by Cymbeline
  31. What are the three parts of the White Goddess that are portrayed by Paulina, Hermion,e & Perdita?
    1. Maiden, Mother, Crone
  32. What was the answer to the riddle in Act 1 of Pericles?
    1. incest

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