Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Class Notes February 22, 2011

  • King's Speech
    • like Shakespeare: wanted to appeal to a wide range of people
  • Paranomasia
    • means word play
    • pleasure in play of words
    • humorous or rhtorical
      • pun
    • ON TEST
  • James Joyce
    • puns are the lowest form of humor
    • Why do the highest brow literature use the lowest form of humor?
  • Anne's blog
  • Wendy Doniger
  • Never use the word original without quotations or else Professor Sexson will fail you!!!
  • Double Language
    • Turner refers to this as Shakespeare's signature
  • Sigil
    • symbol with magical power
    • archaically called a seal
  • Sansho the Biliff
    • film
    • slashed achilles tendo to keep heroine from running away.
  • Goddess of complete being
    • captious
    • pouring in
  • Raymond Carver
    • "What do we talk about when we talk about love?"
      • based upon Plato's Synposium
    • Short Cuts
      • movie based on Carver's short stories
  • Parolles
    • amazingly well-dressed
  • Letter Riddle
    • page 586
    • has to be resolved to finish story
    • links to fairytales and mythologies
  • Helena
    • stalker
      • low level
    • Jaques
      • mythological/higher level
  • Parolle
    • "It is the thine itself & that is the ting that will make me live"
    • sequeway to King Lear
  • Julian of Norwich
    • All shall be well & all manner of things shall be well
    • christian mythology
  1. About which play does Northrop Frye say people make faces @?
    1. Alls Well That Ends Well
  2. Who do people thing that a great reckoning in a little room was writtne about?
    1. Christopher Marlow
  3. "These are counselors that..."
    1. feelingly persuade me what I am
  4. What does Rosalind assume as her male persona?
    1. Ganymede
  5. What kind of speech act is committed by the following stages of life?
    1. baby: mewling
    2. etc...
  6. What does miles gloriosus mean?
    1. braggart soldier
  7. Which character is miles gloriosus in Alls Well That Ends Well?
    1. Parolles
  8. Puck is addressing with his ending monologue?
    1. multiple audiences instead of a single audience
  9. What did Jacques want as a profession?
    1. become a holy man with Duke Frederick
  10. Why is the clown getting married in Alls Well That Ends Well?
    1. Free Sex
  11. What is the term used that means unexpected power/event saving a seemingly hopeless situation?
    1. Deus Exmachinn
  12. What are the 2 levels of reading that the class is focusing on?
    1. mythic & historical
  13. According to T.S. Elliot, what can only be said about Shakespeare's work?
    1. The best anyone can hope for is to be wrong about Shakespeare in a new way
  14. According to Borge, who is Shakespeare?
    1. everything and nothing
    2. everyone and no one
  15. According to Turner, what can the human mind encompass?
    1. the entire universe
  16. Who is the god descending at the end of As You Like It?
    1. Hymen
  17. Make up your own neologism
    1. neologism mans to make up a new word with its meaning
  18. What term to Keats suggests artists who are genuinely reflective?
    1. Negative capability
  19. Orlando is to Rosalind as Touchstone is to whom?
    1. Audrey
  20. Lead is to Gold as Water is to what?
    1. Wine
  21. Rot/Ripen
  22. What does Heiros gamos mean?
    1. sacred marriage
  23. In a Midsummers Night Dream what does wood mean?
    1. outskirts of town
  24. What is the main theme of the sonnets after sonnet #15?
    1. mind babies
  25. What is Shakespeare's consuming myth, according to Hugh?
    1. Venus & Adonis
  26. What term that was coined by Northrop Frye that has significance for ther Forest of Arden?
    1. Green World
  27. We are their _______ and ___________.
    1. Parents & Originals

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