Thursday, January 13, 2011

What do I know about Shakespeare???? NOTHING

Essentially I know nothing about Shakespeare but I am under the impression that no one knows a whole lot about the man that we now refer to as Shakespeare. I have read exactly 2 of his plays and maybe about 15 sonnets. All of my exposure to his work has happened in the last 2 years here at MSU. In high school, I transferred schools and missed the sections on any of Shakespeare's work. I almost think that it is better though that I do not really have a background in his works at the beginning of this course. Last semester, I started the class with conceptions of the Bible that turned out to be false as the semester progressed. This semester I am starting out as a blank slate. One of the aspects that I do know of that I am looking forward to understanding in Shakespeare's work is the influence of Greek mythology. The subject of Greek Mythology has interested me for years and I try to read or learn more about this topic as often as I can. I think that this class will help me expand my knowledge of this branch of mythology. Another aspect of this class that I am looking forward to is the choice of secondary readings. I was first exposed to Northrop Frye last semester and I personally have to say he is a Genius! His work is awesomely dense and difficult to read but it is well worth the effort of reading a sentence 4 times before understanding what he is saying. I look forward to reading his insights about Shakespeare and his work and then drawing from what I have learned from him and making my own interpretations of William Shakespeare's works and how they have impacted my life in a myriad of ways.

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